Download Flash Videos From Newgrounds

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It is not possible to download Flash files on your Android device, unless the Flash file has an actual Download option. In order to download embedded Flash videos and games, use one of the methods above to download the file to your computer, and then transfer the file to your Android device. Swivel is a free solution for converting your Adobe Flash movies into high-definition video. Swivel takes an SWF file and exports a video at any desired. From Newgrounds. Be the first to. Newgrounds PS3 Theme PS3 owners, customize your XMB with this PS-Triple theme. Featuring a custom black and white icon set and HD wallpapers! Featuring a custom black and white icon set and HD wallpapers!

How to Download Flash Games (SWF) and Flash Video Files Here you will learn how to download and save Shockwave Flash swf files (including videos, animation movies and Flash games) from the Internet to your hard disk using Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. HOW TO DOWNLOAD FLASH VIDEOS USING INTERNET EXPLORER. RealPlayer also works with Internet Explorer (IE) and you can use the plug-in to download videos directly from the browser window. Open the IE browser and find a Flash video you want to download. For this example, we picked a video on Metacafe. Click play on the video and you’ll see the. Check out our guide on how to download Flash videos so you can access video content wherever, without network access.

Active3 years, 6 months ago

I am trying to download a Flash video, so I can try to convert it to a normal DVD.

(FYI: this is a religious video.)

Is it possible to download this video? If so, how could I do this?

Peter Mortensen
8,54416 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges
3,09219 gold badges53 silver badges68 bronze badges

4 Answers

If you have Firefox, install the Download Helper extension.


Download Flash Videos From Firefox

9,3832 gold badges30 silver badges34 bronze badges

In Safari it's a bit convoluted, but if you

  1. start 'loading' or playing the flash video, then
  2. from the Window menu select Activity

you'll see something loading with the extension flv or swf. (In the case of the linked video above, it's actually an MP4 file, which may or may not be because I use clickToflash on my Mac.)

  1. Hold down option and double-click the flv or whatever file as it's loading, and you should see the download begin.

Easily download YouTube movies via Safari Web Browsers has a (possibly clearer) explanation, along with a bunch more application recommendations that can automate this process for you, including a bookmarklet:

Peter Mortensen
8,54416 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges

Here is the simplest way by which you can download any flash video from any website:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the page-url
  3. Check 'I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.'
  4. Select Object
  5. Right click on the file with extension .swf and save it!
7,7178 gold badges36 silver badges56 bronze badges

I usually use Keepvid to download videos from web, the procedure is quite simple:

  1. Copy the URL of video from YouTube or other sites and then navigate to

  2. Paste the URL into download field and then click 'Download'.

  3. Wait for the app detects the source of video and it will expand a list of several media formats for you to choose.

  4. Select a media format you prefer and click on the 'Download' icon along with it, and then you just need to wait for a short while till the download completes.

  5. Once done, you will get the flash video in chosen format in download directory of your browser.

Keepvid currently supports up to 30 sites as described on its official site, if you're looking for alternative video downloader with more functions, you may also check sites like Keepvid.


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How to Download Flash Games (SWF) and Flash Video Files

Here you will learn how to download and save Shockwave Flash swf files (including videos, animation movies and Flash games) from the Internet to your hard disk using Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.
If an animation video or an online video game is using the Adobe Flash Player, you can download the embedded Flash file to the computer and play it offline.

How To Download From Newgrounds

The problem is that saving Flash Animations from websites is not so easy. The Adobe Flash player context menu has no option to download or save the Flash movie so here are some workarounds to help you save the swf files using your favorite web browser.

How to Save Flash files in Firefox

  1. Click Tools -> Page Info and then click the Media Tab on the Page Info screen.
  2. The media tab has a complete list (with preview) of Images, CSS Files and Shockwave Flash files that were downloaded by the Firefox browser while loading the page.
  3. Scroll down the list and locate the swf file. Click the 'Save As' button. Select some directory on your hard drive and save the file (No need for a third-party plug-in)
There's an alternate way as well though its for advanced users.
  • Type about:blank in the Firefox address bar
  • Now click List cache entries or directly type about:cache?device=disk (Disk cache device)
  • Press Ctrl+F and try to location the flash file by typing some part of website URL or the flash file name or just .swf. After some hit and trial, you should be able to locate the swf file URL
  • Click the SWF URL to open the Cache Entry Information page. Right click on the link and choose 'Save link as'

How to Download Flash Movies in Internet Explorer

  • Click Tools - Internet Options and in the General Tab, click the Settings button available in the Temporary Internet Files group.
  • Click View Files to open your Temporary Internet Files folder. Depending upon your IE settings, the Temp. folder can contain tens of thousands of files.
  • Click View - Details. Now click View - Arrange Icons By - Internet Address. Depending upon the webpage, there could one or more Flash files (Shockwave Flash Object) under the Inernet Address.
  • Once you find the right flash file, right-click and choose Copy. Then paste the swf file in any other directory. Be sure to keep the page and IE open to avoid purging of the cache file.

Alternatively, you can get a download accelerator like Flashget and tell it to automatically download the shockwave extention (*.swf).

Download Flash Videos From Newgrounds Free

How to save Flash files from Opera or Google Chromebrowser
Just like IE, these browsers store also the flash files in the browser cache.

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