Observational Cosmology Stephen Serjeant Pdf To Excel

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Received: 02nd May-2013 Revised: 12th May -2013 Accepted: 13th. *a Research Officer, Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies. The Hyderabad Municipal Corporation was expanded in 2007 to form the Greater. Observational cosmology stephen serjeant. Find the download and read your eBook in PDF-format now! Observational Cosmology, by S. Observational Cosmology is a very modern textbook. Authors: Serjeant, Stephen. Publication: Observational Cosmology by Stephen Serjeant. Cambridge University Press, 16 Sep Providing a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of observational cosmology, this advanced undergraduate textbook enables students to. 11 Apr Observational Cosmology, by S. Serjeant, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Stephen Serjeant, is a reader in cosmology at The Open. Who look for an up-to-date reference in observational cosmology.The textbook covers recent developments such as precision cosmology and the concordance cosmological model, inflation.Brane cosmology from observational surveys and its comparison with standard FRW cosmology.

Authors and titles for astro-ph.GA in Apr 2015

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Observational Cosmology Stephen Serjeant Pdf To Excel

[1]arXiv:1504.00005 [pdf, ps, other]
[2]arXiv:1504.00008 [pdf, other]
[3]arXiv:1504.00010 [pdf, other]
[4]arXiv:1504.00011 [pdf, ps, other]
[5]arXiv:1504.00017 [pdf, ps, other]
[6]arXiv:1504.00018 [pdf, ps, other]
[7]arXiv:1504.00021 [pdf, other]
[8]arXiv:1504.00058 [pdf, ps, other]
[9]arXiv:1504.00075 [pdf, other]
[10]arXiv:1504.00117 [pdf, other]
[11]arXiv:1504.00142 [pdf, ps, other]
[12]arXiv:1504.00200 [pdf, ps, other]
[13]arXiv:1504.00228 [pdf, other]
[14]arXiv:1504.00248 [pdf, other]
[15]arXiv:1504.00358 [pdf, ps, other]
[16]arXiv:1504.00384 [pdf, other]
[17]arXiv:1504.00404 [pdf, other]
[18]arXiv:1504.00438 [pdf, other]
[19]arXiv:1504.00475 [pdf, ps, other]
[20]arXiv:1504.00485 [pdf, ps, other]
[21]arXiv:1504.00514 [pdf, other]
[22]arXiv:1504.00598 [pdf, other]
[23]arXiv:1504.00647 [pdf, ps, other]
[24]arXiv:1504.00674 [pdf, other]
[25]arXiv:1504.00676 [pdf, ps, other]
[26]arXiv:1504.00678 [pdf, ps, other]
[27]arXiv:1504.00737 [pdf, ps, other]
[28]arXiv:1504.00780 [pdf, ps, other]
[29]arXiv:1504.00837 [pdf, ps, other]
[30]arXiv:1504.00863 [pdf, other]
[31]arXiv:1504.00891 [pdf, other]
[32]arXiv:1504.00899 [pdf]
[33]arXiv:1504.00900 [pdf, other]
[34]arXiv:1504.01003 [pdf, ps, other]
[35]arXiv:1504.01104 [pdf, other]
[36]arXiv:1504.01127 [pdf, ps, other]
[37]arXiv:1504.01203 [pdf, other]
[38]arXiv:1504.01226 [pdf, ps, other]
[39]arXiv:1504.01388 [pdf, other]
[40]arXiv:1504.01391 [pdf, other]
[41]arXiv:1504.01392 [pdf, ps, other]
[42]arXiv:1504.01398 [pdf, ps, other]
[43]arXiv:1504.01401 [pdf, other]
[44]arXiv:1504.01423 [pdf, ps, other]
[45]arXiv:1504.01437 [pdf, other]
[46]arXiv:1504.01453 [pdf, ps, other]
[47]arXiv:1504.01478 [pdf, ps, other]
[48]arXiv:1504.01507 [pdf, ps, other]
[49]arXiv:1504.01594 [pdf, other]
[50]arXiv:1504.01663 [pdf, other]
[51]arXiv:1504.01667 [pdf, other]
[52]arXiv:1504.01675 [pdf, ps, other]
[53]arXiv:1504.01710 [pdf, other]
[54]arXiv:1504.01734 [pdf, other]
[55]arXiv:1504.01741 [pdf, ps, other]
[56]arXiv:1504.01743 [pdf, ps, other]
[57]arXiv:1504.01751 [pdf, other]
[58]arXiv:1504.01765 [pdf, other]
[59]arXiv:1504.01773 [pdf, ps, other]
[60]arXiv:1504.01791 [pdf, ps, other]
[61]arXiv:1504.01844 [pdf, ps, other]
[62]arXiv:1504.01876 [pdf, ps, other]
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[64]arXiv:1504.02029 [pdf, other]
[65]arXiv:1504.02053 [pdf, other]
[66]arXiv:1504.02084 [pdf, other]
[67]arXiv:1504.02091 [pdf, other]
[68]arXiv:1504.02095 [pdf, ps, other]
[69]arXiv:1504.02097 [pdf, other]
[70]arXiv:1504.02099 [pdf, other]
[71]arXiv:1504.02104 [pdf, other]
[72]arXiv:1504.02109 [pdf, ps, other]
[73]arXiv:1504.02111 [pdf, other]
[74]arXiv:1504.02120 [pdf, other]
[75]arXiv:1504.02126 [pdf, ps, other]
[76]arXiv:1504.02142 [pdf, ps, other]
[77]arXiv:1504.02215 [pdf, ps, other]
[78]arXiv:1504.02232 [pdf, other]
[79]arXiv:1504.02246 [pdf, other]
[80]arXiv:1504.02314 [pdf, other]
[81]arXiv:1504.02348 [pdf, ps, other]
[82]arXiv:1504.02369 [pdf, ps, other]
[83]arXiv:1504.02405 [pdf, other]
[84]arXiv:1504.02417 [pdf, other]
[85]arXiv:1504.02446 [pdf, other]
[86]arXiv:1504.02447 [pdf, ps, other]
[87]arXiv:1504.02466 [pdf, other]
[88]arXiv:1504.02473 [pdf, ps, other]
[89]arXiv:1504.02474 [pdf, ps, other]
[90]arXiv:1504.02479 [pdf, ps, other]
[91]arXiv:1504.02480 [pdf, other]
[92]arXiv:1504.02481 [pdf, ps, other]
[93]arXiv:1504.02482 [pdf, ps, other]
[94]arXiv:1504.02483 [pdf, ps, other]
[95]arXiv:1504.02484 [pdf, ps, other]
[96]arXiv:1504.02548 [pdf, ps, other]
[97]arXiv:1504.02659 [pdf, other]
[98]arXiv:1504.02681 [pdf, ps, other]
[99]arXiv:1504.02724 [pdf, other]
[100]arXiv:1504.02735 [pdf, ps, other]
[101]arXiv:1504.02742 [pdf]
[102]arXiv:1504.02777 [pdf, ps, other]
[103]arXiv:1504.02782 [pdf, other]
[104]arXiv:1504.02804 [pdf, ps, other]
[105]arXiv:1504.02820 [pdf, other]
[106]arXiv:1504.02889 [pdf, other]
[107]arXiv:1504.02938 [pdf, ps, other]
[108]arXiv:1504.02983 [pdf, ps, other]
[109]arXiv:1504.03005 [pdf, ps, other]
[110]arXiv:1504.03031 [pdf, ps, other]
[111]arXiv:1504.03039 [pdf, ps, other]
[112]arXiv:1504.03060 [pdf, other]
[113]arXiv:1504.03120 [pdf, ps, other]
[114]arXiv:1504.03160 [pdf, other]
[115]arXiv:1504.03199 [pdf, ps, other]
[116]arXiv:1504.03235 [pdf, ps, other]
[117]arXiv:1504.03236 [pdf, ps, other]
[118]arXiv:1504.03264 [pdf, other]
[119]arXiv:1504.03281 [pdf, ps, other]
[120]arXiv:1504.03282 [pdf, ps, other]
[121]arXiv:1504.03317 [pdf, other]
[122]arXiv:1504.03320 [pdf, ps, other]
[123]arXiv:1504.03321 [pdf, ps, other]
[124]arXiv:1504.03325 [pdf, ps, other]
[125]arXiv:1504.03326 [pdf, other]
[126]arXiv:1504.03327 [pdf, other]
[127]arXiv:1504.03329 [pdf, other]
[128]arXiv:1504.03330 [pdf, ps, other]
[129]arXiv:1504.03331 [pdf, other]
[130]arXiv:1504.03337 [pdf, other]
[131]arXiv:1504.03338 [pdf, other]
[132]arXiv:1504.03357 [pdf, ps, other]
[133]arXiv:1504.03373 [pdf, ps, other]
[134]arXiv:1504.03401 [pdf, ps, other]
[135]arXiv:1504.03418 [pdf, other]
[136]arXiv:1504.03427 [pdf, ps, other]
[137]arXiv:1504.03513 [pdf, ps, other]
[138]arXiv:1504.03565 [pdf, other]
[139]arXiv:1504.03685 [pdf, ps, other]
[140]arXiv:1504.03688 [pdf, other]
[141]arXiv:1504.03691 [pdf, other]
[142]arXiv:1504.03693 [pdf, ps, other]
[143]arXiv:1504.03694 [pdf, ps, other]
[144]arXiv:1504.03697 [pdf, other]
[145]arXiv:1504.03699 [pdf, other]
[146]arXiv:1504.03714 [pdf, ps, other]
[147]arXiv:1504.03724 [pdf, ps, other]
[148]arXiv:1504.03743 [pdf, ps, other]
[149]arXiv:1504.03745 [pdf, other]
[150]arXiv:1504.03771 [pdf, other]
[151]arXiv:1504.03800 [pdf, ps, other]
[152]arXiv:1504.03851 [pdf, ps, other]
[153]arXiv:1504.03857 [pdf, ps, other]
[154]arXiv:1504.03869 [pdf, ps, other]
[155]arXiv:1504.03935 [pdf, ps, other]
[156]arXiv:1504.04013 [pdf, ps, other]
[157]arXiv:1504.04015 [pdf, ps, other]
[158]arXiv:1504.04021 [pdf]
[159]arXiv:1504.04025 [pdf, ps, other]
[160]arXiv:1504.04030 [pdf, ps, other]
[161]arXiv:1504.04033 [pdf, ps, other]
[162]arXiv:1504.04042 [pdf, ps, other]
[163]arXiv:1504.04051 [pdf, ps, other]
[164]arXiv:1504.04068 [pdf, other]
[165]arXiv:1504.04082 [pdf, other]
[166]arXiv:1504.04139 [pdf, other]
[167]arXiv:1504.04141 [pdf, ps, other]
[168]arXiv:1504.04218 [pdf, ps, other]
[169]arXiv:1504.04271 [pdf, ps, other]
[170]arXiv:1504.04273 [pdf, other]
[171]arXiv:1504.04369 [pdf, ps, other]
[172]arXiv:1504.04370 [pdf, other]
[173]arXiv:1504.04372 [pdf, ps, other]
[174]arXiv:1504.04374 [pdf, other]
[175]arXiv:1504.04376 [pdf, ps, other]
[176]arXiv:1504.04454 [pdf, ps, other]
[177]arXiv:1504.04528 [pdf, other]
[178]arXiv:1504.04534 [pdf, other]
[179]arXiv:1504.04559 [pdf, ps, other]
[180]arXiv:1504.04620 [pdf, other]
[181]arXiv:1504.04624 [pdf, ps, other]
[182]arXiv:1504.04641 [pdf, ps, other]
[183]arXiv:1504.04643 [pdf, other]
[184]arXiv:1504.04694 [pdf, ps, other]
[185]arXiv:1504.04743 [pdf, ps, other]
[186]arXiv:1504.04807 [pdf, other]
[187]arXiv:1504.04828 [pdf, ps, other]
[188]arXiv:1504.04831 [pdf, ps, other]
[189]arXiv:1504.04834 [pdf, ps, other]
[190]arXiv:1504.04846 [pdf, ps, other]
[191]arXiv:1504.04951 [pdf, ps, other]
[192]arXiv:1504.04988 [pdf, ps, other]
[193]arXiv:1504.05028 [pdf, ps, other]
[194]arXiv:1504.05089 [pdf, other]
[195]arXiv:1504.05136 [pdf, ps, other]
[196]arXiv:1504.05161 [pdf, other]
[197]arXiv:1504.05188 [pdf, ps, other]
[198]arXiv:1504.05191 [pdf, other]
[199]arXiv:1504.05193 [pdf, other]
[200]arXiv:1504.05204 [pdf, ps, other]
[201]arXiv:1504.05209 [pdf, other]
[202]arXiv:1504.05216 [pdf, other]
[203]arXiv:1504.05254 [pdf, ps, other]
[204]arXiv:1504.05256 [pdf, other]
[205]arXiv:1504.05368 [pdf, ps, other]
[206]arXiv:1504.05456 [pdf, other]
[207]arXiv:1504.05465 [pdf, other]
[208]arXiv:1504.05533 [pdf, other]
[209]arXiv:1504.05546 [pdf, other]
[210]arXiv:1504.05583 [pdf, ps, other]
[211]arXiv:1504.05585 [pdf, ps, other]
[212]arXiv:1504.05589 [pdf, ps, other]
[213]arXiv:1504.05592 [pdf, ps, other]
[214]arXiv:1504.05594 [pdf, other]
[215]arXiv:1504.05604 [pdf, ps, other]
[216]arXiv:1504.05721 [pdf, other]
[217]arXiv:1504.05808 [pdf, other]
[218]arXiv:1504.05875 [pdf, other]
[219]arXiv:1504.05879 [pdf, ps, other]
[220]arXiv:1504.05896 [pdf, ps, other]
[221]arXiv:1504.05897 [pdf, other]
[222]arXiv:1504.05903 [pdf, ps, other]
[223]arXiv:1504.05921 [pdf, other]
[224]arXiv:1504.05951 [pdf, ps, other]
[225]arXiv:1504.05960 [pdf, ps, other]
[226]arXiv:1504.05963 [pdf, ps, other]
[227]arXiv:1504.06048 [pdf, ps, other]
[228]arXiv:1504.06065 [pdf, ps, other]
[229]arXiv:1504.06111 [pdf, other]
[230]arXiv:1504.06115 [pdf, ps, other]
[231]arXiv:1504.06128 [pdf, ps, other]
[232]arXiv:1504.06162 [pdf, ps, other]
[233]arXiv:1504.06179 [pdf, ps, other]
[234]arXiv:1504.06217 [pdf, other]
[235]arXiv:1504.06218 [pdf, ps, other]
[236]arXiv:1504.06252 [pdf, ps, other]
[237]arXiv:1504.06255 [pdf, other]
[238]arXiv:1504.06261 [pdf, other]
[239]arXiv:1504.06277 [pdf, other]
[240]arXiv:1504.06282 [pdf, other]
[241]arXiv:1504.06284 [pdf, other]
[242]arXiv:1504.06296 [pdf, ps, other]
[243]arXiv:1504.06311 [pdf, other]
[244]arXiv:1504.06324 [pdf, other]
[245]arXiv:1504.06328 [pdf, other]
[246]arXiv:1504.06371 [pdf, ps, other]
[247]arXiv:1504.06429 [pdf, ps, other]
[248]arXiv:1504.06444 [pdf, ps, other]
[249]arXiv:1504.06453 [pdf, other]
[250]arXiv:1504.06485 [pdf, other]
[251]arXiv:1504.06500 [pdf, ps, other]
[252]arXiv:1504.06509 [pdf, other]
[253]arXiv:1504.06530 [pdf, ps, other]
[254]arXiv:1504.06550 [pdf]
[255]arXiv:1504.06618 [pdf, other]
[256]arXiv:1504.06627 [pdf, ps, other]
[257]arXiv:1504.06630 [pdf, ps, other]
[258]arXiv:1504.06635 [pdf, other]
[259]arXiv:1504.06642 [pdf, ps, other]
[260]arXiv:1504.06648 [pdf, ps, other]
[261]arXiv:1504.06673 [pdf, other]
[262]arXiv:1504.06679 [pdf, other]
[263]arXiv:1504.06821 [pdf, ps, other]
[264]arXiv:1504.06824 [pdf, ps, other]
[265]arXiv:1504.06881 [pdf, other]
[266]arXiv:1504.06948 [pdf, ps, other]
[267]arXiv:1504.06990 [pdf, ps, other]
[268]arXiv:1504.07010 [pdf, ps, other]
[269]arXiv:1504.07062 [pdf, other]
[270]arXiv:1504.07068 [pdf, ps, other]
[271]arXiv:1504.07105 [pdf, other]
[272]arXiv:1504.07160 [pdf, ps, other]
[273]arXiv:1504.07194 [pdf, other]
[274]arXiv:1504.07239 [pdf, ps, other]
[275]arXiv:1504.07246 [pdf, ps, other]
[276]arXiv:1504.07247 [pdf, ps, other]
[277]arXiv:1504.07248 [pdf, other]
[278]arXiv:1504.07250 [pdf, other]
[279]arXiv:1504.07254 [pdf, ps, other]
[280]arXiv:1504.07264 [pdf, ps, other]
[281]arXiv:1504.07267 [pdf, ps, other]
[282]arXiv:1504.07286 [pdf, ps, other]
[283]arXiv:1504.07393 [pdf, other]
[284]arXiv:1504.07405 [pdf, ps, other]
[285]arXiv:1504.07471 [pdf, ps, other]
[286]arXiv:1504.07478 [pdf, ps, other]
[287]arXiv:1504.07483 [pdf, ps, other]
[288]arXiv:1504.07632 [pdf, ps, other]
[289]arXiv:1504.07633 [pdf, ps, other]
[290]arXiv:1504.07639 [pdf, other]
[291]arXiv:1504.07644 [pdf, ps, other]
[292]arXiv:1504.07653 [pdf, ps, other]
[293]arXiv:1504.07686 [pdf, other]
[294]arXiv:1504.07695 [pdf, other]
[295]arXiv:1504.07711 [pdf, ps, other]
[296]arXiv:1504.07723 [pdf, ps, other]
[297]arXiv:1504.07754 [pdf, ps, other]
[298]arXiv:1504.07824 [pdf, ps, other]
[299]arXiv:1504.07864 [pdf, ps, other]
[300]arXiv:1504.07916 [pdf, other]
[301]arXiv:1504.07990 [pdf, other]
[302]arXiv:1504.08001 [pdf, other]
[303]arXiv:1504.08005 [pdf, ps, other]
[304]arXiv:1504.08032 [pdf, ps, other]
[305]arXiv:1504.08044 [pdf, other]
[306]arXiv:1504.08065 [pdf, other]
[307]arXiv:1504.08254 [pdf, other]
[308]arXiv:1504.08267 [pdf, ps, other]
[309]arXiv:1504.08273 [pdf, ps, other]
[310]arXiv:1504.08276 [pdf, ps, other]
[311]arXiv:1504.00023 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
[312]arXiv:1504.00262 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, other]
[313]arXiv:1504.00362 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[314]arXiv:1504.00417 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[315]arXiv:1504.00452 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[316]arXiv:1504.00584 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[317]arXiv:1504.00667 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[318]arXiv:1504.00921 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[319]arXiv:1504.01240 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[320]arXiv:1504.01397 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[321]arXiv:1504.01414 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
[322]arXiv:1504.01742 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[323]arXiv:1504.01744 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[324]arXiv:1504.02048 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, other]
[325]arXiv:1504.02087 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, other]
[326]arXiv:1504.02158 (cross-list from astro-ph.IM) [pdf, ps, other]
[327]arXiv:1504.02416 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[328]arXiv:1504.02477 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, other]
[329]arXiv:1504.02510 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[330]arXiv:1504.02539 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[331]arXiv:1504.02662 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, ps, other]
[332]arXiv:1504.02708 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
[333]arXiv:1504.02772 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
[334]arXiv:1504.02787 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, other]
[335]arXiv:1504.02932 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[336]arXiv:1504.02933 (cross-list from astro-ph.IM) [pdf, ps, other]
[337]arXiv:1504.03299 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[338]arXiv:1504.03388 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[339]arXiv:1504.03690 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[340]arXiv:1504.03894 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, other]
[341]arXiv:1504.04088 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, ps, other]
[342]arXiv:1504.04307 (cross-list from astro-ph.IM) [pdf, other]
[343]arXiv:1504.04375 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, other]
[344]arXiv:1504.04412 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, ps, other]
[345]arXiv:1504.04782 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, other]
[346]arXiv:1504.04812 (cross-list from astro-ph.EP) [pdf, other]
[347]arXiv:1504.04865 (cross-list from astro-ph.IM) [pdf, other]
[348]arXiv:1504.05000 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[349]arXiv:1504.05118 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, other]
[350]arXiv:1504.05186 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, ps, other]
[351]arXiv:1504.05391 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[352]arXiv:1504.05578 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[353]arXiv:1504.05587 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[354]arXiv:1504.05681 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, ps, other]
[355]arXiv:1504.06148 (cross-list from astro-ph.IM) [pdf, other]
[356]arXiv:1504.06297 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[357]arXiv:1504.06619 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[358]arXiv:1504.06621 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[359]arXiv:1504.06704 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
[360]arXiv:1504.06977 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[361]arXiv:1504.07243 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[362]arXiv:1504.07255 (cross-list from astro-ph.IM) [pdf, other]
[363]arXiv:1504.07337 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, other]
[364]arXiv:1504.07435 (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [pdf, ps, other]
[365]arXiv:1504.07853 (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [pdf, ps, other]
[366]arXiv:1504.08323 (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [pdf, ps, other]
[367]arXiv:1504.00286 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, other]
[368]arXiv:1504.02940 (cross-list from physics.plasm-ph) [pdf, ps, other]
[369]arXiv:1504.03610 (cross-list from hep-ph) [pdf, ps, other]
[370]arXiv:1504.07624 (cross-list from gr-qc) [pdf, ps, other]
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